Meet Your Future Self: A Mental Training Tool for Success
Have you ever wondered what the most successful version of yourself would say if you could ask them for advice? In today’s fast-paced world, achieving big, ambitious goals requires more than just hard work—it demands a shift in mindset. In this blog post we are discussing a powerful mental training tool that helps you tap into the wisdom of your future self to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
The tool starts by visualizing your future self—the version of you living the life you dream of, whether it’s running a multi-million-dollar business, trading full-time, or achieving complete financial independence. By connecting with this successful version of yourself, you can ask the important questions that are blocking your current progress. This allows you to gain clarity and form a mental blueprint to transform your external reality.
I started using this tool in my own life, and the results were remarkable. After seeing its effectiveness, I introduced it to my clients and watched as it helped them gain clarity, overcome challenges, and create practical steps toward their goals.
Why Meet Your Future Self?
Success is an inside job. Our beliefs create emotions, which in turn influence our decisions and subsequently, our actions. These actions eventually become habits, and those habits shape the external reality we experience today. If you’re not living the life you envision, it’s because you haven’t yet become the version of yourself who is aligned with producing that external reality. By connecting with your future self, you can identify the shifts needed to bridge that gap and start turning your vision into your day-to-day experience.
The Meditation Process
Here’s how you can begin using this tool:
Step 1: Find a Quiet Space: Set aside about 30 minutes where you won’t be disturbed. This time is for you to really connect with your future self.
Step 2: Prepare Your Questions: Before starting, write down the specific challenges or decisions you’re currently facing. For example, you might ask how to make the transition from part-time trading to full-time, or how to handle a difficult client.
Step 3: Visualize Your Future Self: Close your eyes and imagine meeting the version of yourself who has already achieved the success you desire. Notice everything about them—the way they carry themselves, their energy, and the lifestyle they’re living.
Step 4: Ask Your Questions: Engage in a conversation with your future self. Be open to hearing advice that may surprise you, and don’t shy away from uncomfortable truths.
Step 5: Journal Your Insights: After the meditation, take a few minutes to write down everything you learned. Capture your insights before your logical mind starts analyzing them.
Step 6: Create an Action Plan: From the conversation with your future self, identify one or two key shifts you need to make right now. This will help you start aligning your current self with the future version of you.
Practical Applications
After practicing this technique, some of my clients have started using their future self as a real-time guide for decision-making. They’ve even given this version of themselves a name and consult it during important moments, like in the middle of analysing a set-up during trading or navigating a tricky situation with a client in their business. This tool can be a game-changer because it helps you tap into your intuition and higher wisdom—two things that are often overlooked in the hustle of daily life.
One thing to keep in mind: Always check the advice you receive from your future self against reality. Your intuition is powerful, but it should complement, not replace, your technical knowledge or business strategies. In my experience, the advice you receive from your future self often makes more practical sense than you’d expect.
If you feel drawn to this exercise, give it a try. It’s a simple but profound way to gain clarity, build self-awareness, and create actionable steps toward your goals. You can return to this exercise whenever you need guidance, so consider it a tool you’ll have in your back pocket for life.
For more tools and tips on mastering your mindset, subscribe to my YouTube channel and share this post with anyone who might benefit!